About us

We are Trailblazers Church

We envision a place where men and women can gather for worship, prayer, teaching, and training. Our aim is to develop a culture that encourages people to love God, love each other, and serve their communities. 

We have been burdened to serve and minister to the people in the Columbus, Ohio area. Our mission is to disciple men and women empowering them to become trailblazers and kingdom influencers in their families, communities, the marketplace, and the world.

We Value:


The Word of God

We place a high value on the Word of God.



We cheerfully give to support the ministry and each other.



We strive to give God our best in everything we do.


We seek opportunities to share the Gospel.



We engage in passionate, heartfelt worship.


We believe in an environment of participation.



We partner with God’s will through prayer.


We are passionate about making disciples of Jesus Christ.



We love, honor, and support one another as family.